
Every favourite button is associated with a category. For example, if you want to display ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’ for pages on your website, two separate categories have to be created for these.

Category Settings


Every category must be given a name to identify it in both the admin and frontend area. It is recommended that the name is direct and gives a clue to what the category is about. For example, if you want to create a category to like posts, you can simply name it ‘Like’. If you have two categories for liking posts and comments, you can name them ‘Like Posts’ and ‘Like Comments’.


The category slug is automatically generated from the name just like a WordPress post slug is generated from the post title. The slug of the category ‘Like Posts’ will be ‘like-posts’. The slug is unique and used internally in shortcodes and in code to get the category data, it is not visible to frontend users. If the category name changes, the slug will also change. If two categories have the same name, their slugs will be different.

Visibility (Pro)

By default, all categories are private. This means that each user can only see his own tagged objects in that category. For example, if different posts have been tagged by different users in the ‘Like Posts’ category, each users can only see the list of his own tags and cannot see another users tags list. If a category is set to public, everyone can see the list of objects that a user has tagged in that category by visiting the page with the appropriate shortcode for showing the tags.
The visibility setting can only be changed in the pro version of the plugin.

Object type

Every category must be associated with an object type. The object type controls other settings for the category, how the tags in the category are saved and how the table for showing the tags is displayed. The default object type is ‘post’. This should be used if the category is associated with any of the standard post types such as ‘Post’ and ‘Page’. When this object type is used, the count of the tags in the category is saved in the post meta table for each post that has been tagged, to make querying with WP Query easy, the tags table will also be displayed with columns that are associated with posts and pages such as image and title.

Another object type that comes with the plugin is ‘product’. This should be used if the category is associated with the WooCommerce Product post type. It enables the button positions available for showing the category to be associated with locations on the product page. It also enables the tags table to be displayed with product columns such as price. Because product is a custom post type that is related to post, when this object type is used, the count of the tags in the category is also saved in the post meta table for each post that has been tagged, to make querying with WP Query easy.

In the pro version, additional object types can be added to fully customize the category.

Post types to show the button