Funding crowdfunded items from the wallet

When a wishlist item is crowdfunded, the normal way to fund it is by receiving contributions for it from the frontend. However depending on your setup, the wishlist item can also be funded from the wallet. This is only a one time affair.

So for example, if the cost of the wishlist item is $10 and you are funding it from crowdfund contributions, you can receive multiple contributions of say $2, $3, $5 and so on, until you get to $10. However if you are funding it from the wallet, the wallet has to have a minimum of $10 in it (assuming the item still needs $10 to be completely fulfilled) which you can directly withdraw to fund the item at once.

In this sense, funding a crowdfunded item from the wallet is a one time affair because it involves withdrawing the exact amount of money you need at once to make the item fulfilled. It is why the action is usually carried out at the end of the entire crowdfunding campaign to enable the wishlist owner meet his campaign goals.

Crowdfunded items are funded from the wallet the same way their contributions are sent to the wallet. To fund a crowdfunded item from the wallet, first click on the “Transfer” button at the bottom of the wishlist items table.

Then on the table locate the crowdfunded item which you want to fund from the wallet and click on the last credit card icon on the last column of the row containing this item.

If the wallet has enought money to fulfill the item, the required amount needed to completely fulfill the item would be debited from the wallet and the item would be marked as fulfilled. So for example, if the cost of the item is $10 and it has already received $2 in crowdfund contributions, $8 would be debited from the wallet if available and credited to the item. If, on the other hand, the item has not received any crowdfund contribution, $10 would be debited from the wallet if available and credited to the item.

If there is not enough money available in the wallet to completely fulfill the item, a notice would be shown telling you this and the item would not be able to be funded from the wallet. In this case you may need to transfer more money to the wallet from other crowdfund contributions or free contributions in order to have enough credit in it to fund the required item.